Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunshine .... On My Shoulders .... Makes Me Happy!

Way back in September of 2009, we began our F.R.E.S.H. approach to health and wellness.  To recap:

Fresh whole foods -- fruit, vegetables (including greens), whole grains and nuts

Rest -- the most rejuvenating sleep is before midnight

Exercise -- get your body moving 30 minutes a day

Sunshine -- at least 15 minutes a day (with no sunscreen)

Hydration -- 8 to 10 glasses of purified or distilled water per day

Today, we want to focus on Sunshine -- such a happy word -- and something we all need for healthy living.  As I'm sure you know, our bodies take in the important Vitamin D when we are soaking up the sunshine.  This is necessary for healthy bones and as far as I'm concerned, a sunshine-y day is a happy day!

Don't you just feel happier, lighter, full of energy and light when the sun is shining thru those clouds?!  I happen to live in one of the top ten states with the least amount of sunshine throughout the year and I am finding that the lack of sunshine really bothers me.  I do think there is something to SAD -- Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Some of us are affected more severely than others. 

God knew what He was doing when He created the sun.  The whole universe revolves around it.  Without it, there would be no life -- no green chlorophyll that gives plants, trees and us life!  When there are difficulties -- deaths, relationship challenges, business challenges, life challenges in general -- they always seem just a little bit easier to handle when I can see and feel the brightness and warmth of the sun.  (Incidentally, the same is true regarding God's SON!)

In today's world of office cubicles, stale air and few windows as well as people slathering on the sunblock filled with chemicals, many of us are not getting enough sunshine and we are suffering a deficiency of Vitamin D as a result, to say nothing of depressed moods and lack of energy.  It has been said that we should receive 15 minutes of sunshine per day with as much of our skin exposed as possible and no sunblock for that amount of time

Because of pollution, our ozone layer is sometimes somewhat compromised.  Therefore, aside from the 15 minutes per day, wearing a chemical-free natural sunblock and head protection when we're swimming, skiing, gardening or otherwise spending a significant amount of time outdoors is probably beneficial to most of us to prevent skin cancer and premature aging of our skin. 
So, how are you going to get your 15 minutes of sunshine today?  Hiking, biking, walking, jogging, working around the yard, playing backyard football or basketball with your children?  Maybe by sledding, skiing or snowboarding (not much skin exposed there but still important and beneficial nonetheless!)  The important thing is simply to SOAK UP THE SUN!

On a personal note, when the air is balmy and breezy and the sun is shining down on me, making me feel happy and light, I love to listen to this song!

.Summer Breeze   (Taking you back to the 70's!)

And here's another one I like:  I Can See Clearly Now

And of course, this one:  Soak Up The Sun

Here's hoping you will soak up the sun (and even more importantly, the SON)!  :)