Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What FRESH foods are you eating today?

     As we take a FRESH look at regaining our health, we want to begin with the letter FF stands for "fresh" whole foods.  75 - 80% of our daily diet needs to consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains.  If you are used to eating the SAD way -- Standard American Diet -- then you are probably consuming fresh food only once every week  -- or two.  That is sad, isn't it?!
     Why eat 'fresh' versus processed, boxed or cooked-to-mush?  Because when we eat whole, fresh foods (preferably organic, with no pesticides or better yet, straight from your own garden!), our bodies receive the live enzymes inherent in those foods and it is those live enzymes that give us life!  Those enzymes cause our
cells to 'talk to one another' and to operate more efficiently, thereby giving us good health. 
     Generally, the more you process, pulverize, cook or boil a food, the less nutritious it will be in the end.  You will have effectively processed the live enzymes right out of it.  This is the reason why we need to take an enzyme supplement when we are eating a mainly-cooked meal -- so that our bodies can properly assimilate and digest the food.
     Is it any wonder that the majority of us are running around constipated, sluggish, weak, tired and overweight?  When we fail to eat enough FRESH whole foods, what we do eat remains in our colons for far too long -- putrifying and becoming toxic to our bodies -- and then we begin to exhibit signs of all manner of illness and disease:  chronic constipation, divurticulitus, Candida, allergies, joint pain, cancer, etc.
     So, what FRESH whole food are you going to add to your diet today -- an apple, an orange, a juicy tomato or a nice green cucumber?  To keep it simple and to feel like you are achieving a measure of success, try adding just one fresh item each day -- fruit, vegetable, raw nuts, grains or beans.  Soon, you will be amazed at your progress and your body will begin to cleanse itself of the toxins that have been accumulating over the years.  You should then notice a surge in your energy level and eventually, you will truly desire those FRESH, wholesome, life-giving enzyme-filled foods and will begin to say 'no' more often to the processed, tasty yet nutrition-void "food" found in the middle aisles of your local grocery store!
     You can do it; I know you can  -- and when you can't get something fresh, the next best thing is frozen so what's holding you back?  Sink your teeth into something colorful, tasty and FRESH

Wishing you health and happiness,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia, I totally agree with your FRESH approach. Very innovative! Five to seven fruits and veggies a day are totally alien to most Americans' diets. Thanks for the friend on FB and for spreading the healthy eating message. Nice site. Success to you! -- Veggie Val
