Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Did You Rest Well?

In our simple FRESH approach to living healthy and well, let us consider the letter 'R'.

'R' stands for REST -- that sometimes elusive "activity" that we all need for optimum health and well-being. 

I, for one, have not always rested in a manner that would bring me the most benefits.  I am much like my father who was the proverbial 'night owl".  This can be a curse when your schedule requires you to be up at an unearthly early hour -- you know -- when it's still night and the birds haven't even begun to sing yet! 

If you, like me, are like this fowl of the night, then you can identify with the difficulties of getting yourself to "wind down" at a reasonable hour in the evening.  Your body clock seems to think that at 8:00 p.m. you still have 3 or 4 hours yet to accomplish several projects or tasks.  How well I remember the sounds of a circular saw or the pounding of nails after the hour of 10 p.m.!
My father seemed to get his "second wind" just about that time and away he would work on some household project or play a game of ping-pong or take off for a night-time ride on his motorcycle. 

I think this may be an inherited trait as his father or grandfather was the same way.  We just have difficulty turning our brains off!  Dad would sometimes manage to get to bed at a reasonable hour, only to get up at 2, 3 or 4 a.m. to work on a sermon or something else that was on his mind.  Yes, rest was sometimes elusive for him.

For those of you who are like my mother, on the other hand -- when 9:00 p.m. hits you're ready to "call it a day" -- I venture to say you are much more practiced at this resting thing!  Then again, I do believe it tends to be an inherent trait -- this early bird/night owl phenomenon.  At any rate, I do believe  there are several key things that can enable any of us to obtain more efficient rest -- at night as well as in the dailyness of life.

First of all, I have heard that the best rest is obtained before midnight -- that for every hour of rest before midnight, you need four hours after midnight to receive the same benefits.  So arranging your schedule so that you are asleep by 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. sounds like a good idea -- sometimes rather difficult for me but I'm still working at it!

Taking a warm shower or bath, reading a book, keeping the lights turned down low that last hour before going to bed, putting on some beautiful relaxation music -- these are  ways to prepare your body for rest.  Now and again I will also take an herbal remedy called Composure which has a calming effect on the body.

A good night's rest being so important -- we've all had the 'grouchies' a time or two due to the lack of rest -- it is also important to 'rest' one day a week.  American culture in particular has moved far away from this concept -- the idea of the Sabbath, which means 'rest'.  We think we can go 24/7 365 which is absolutely crazy!  If God rested on the seventh day, having spent the previous six days creating this awesome universe, can we do less and remain healthy? 

How refreshing it is to take one day and relax!  For you that might mean reading a good book while sipping a warm beverage.  Maybe it means taking a hike or nature walk, a ride on your bike or motorcycle, visiting with friends and relatives or laying in the grass and looking for pictures in the clouds.  Maybe it's painting or playing games or just listening to your favorite music.  Whatever speaks rest and relaxation to your body, mind and soul is how you should spend your Sabbath -- your own day of rest -- and it's meant to be a celebration of life and family and God and Christ, our ultimate Sabbath!

I remember years ago hearing a homeschooling mom speak and the main thing I took home with me from her speech were these words:  "Guard your rest".  Great advice if you want to make the most of every day and give your best to your family, friends and business! 

My challenge to myself and to you is to take the next 30 days and make efficient, beneficial rest a priority -- nightly and weekly.  I imagine our lives will move into a smoother rhythm and we will become more productive rather than less.

Wishing you joy and rest,

1 comment:

  1. I need to impliment this rest advice i eat well but need to discipline myself to rest, this is essential can't wait for the next tip sometimes eating high raw creates so much energy you can take for granted the value of rest so this tip is a gentle reminder
